What about the forests
Welcome to this new incarnation of wimagguc.
Why is there a new one? Where are all the older posts? Who the hell are you anyway, I followed a link here for some decade-old javascript code!
All excellent questions, dear reader.
In hindsight I know why I hated the previous wimagguc: it was created to chase popularity. As dumb as it gets in a world where content is free and nobody needs yet another internet guy’s blend opinion: I was posting things I hoped would get me hired (or before I met B: things that get me laid — double lol!!)
Smartypants garbage, in a know-it-all style, why would you even.
Why is there a new one? Because I hated the old blog. Where are all the older posts? Nowhere, they were all crap. Where’s the javascript stuff? LLM yourself into a new one.
What about the forests? Nope.
The invention of logarithms came on the world as a bolt from the blue. No previous work had led up to it, foreshadowed it, or heralded its arrival. It stands isolated, breaking in upon human thought abruptly without borrowing from the work of other intellects or following known lines of mathematical thought.
— Lord Moulton on the 300th anniversary of John Napier’s 1614 book Description of the Wonderful Canon of Logarithms
Yes, in this new wimagguc you can expect to read about odd things that I think about odd things that I read about.